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Day of Prayer for Growth and Renewal

In 2025, the churches, schools and chaplaincies of the diocese are called to a year of focused prayer for growth and renewal. Individuals or groups of people are invited join a facilitated day at Whalley Abbey to pray for their own context.

woman praying in a pew

The structure of the day is as follows:

  • opening worship

  • facilitated programme of prayer and reflection

  • lunch

  • time to pray in and around the Abbey, optional prayer walk

  • closing worship

There are five stand-alone days facilitated by Whalley Abbey and Diocesan staff:

22nd March: Steve Haskett
2nd April: Anna Walker
5th June: Steve Haskett
28th August: Joy Rushton
21st October: Anna Walker

After taking part, you may feel encouraged to organise a similar day for your faith community.

The cost for this event will be £30.

25 March

Held in God's Gaze: Oscar Romero

7 April

Individually Guided Retreat