Upcoming events
At all our residential and day retreats you are invited to join the praying community for times of prayer in the chapel.
In between sessions containing Biblical and spiritual input there will be time for reflection and relaxation.
Accommodation is in en-suite rooms with sheets and towels and tea/coffee-making facilities.
Holistic Wellness Retreat
Discover a sanctuary of peace and renewal. The retreat offers a blend of relaxation, prayer and mindfulness as well as movement designed to recharge your body, mind, and spirit.
For Everything There is a Season - Quiet Day
Joanna Lavelle, a Whalley resident and experienced actress, will be leading this quiet day which will be looking at the seasons of life’s journey through the medium of poetry, prose and music.
Day of Prayer for Growth and Renewal
The churches, schools and chaplaincies of the diocese are called to a year of focused prayer for growth and renewal in 2025. This is one of five facilitated days at Whalley Abbey offered for individuals and groups to join to pray for their own context.
Held in God's Gaze: Oscar Romero
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the life and witness of Oscar Romero
Individually Guided Retreat
This retreat gives you the opportunity to descend into Lent with intent.
Vine Community Retreat
Led by Whalley Abbey director Anna Walker, this retreat is for those interested in the new dispersed Vine Community.
Breath of Contemplation
Come and learn the Practice of the Breath of Contemplation. A practice grounded in the knowledge of being loved.
Dancing with God
An opportunity to deepen your relationship with the Divine and each other through the rhythm of circle dance and scripture.
“The Swift Flight of the Sparrow” – a story-telling retreat about St. Paulinus, Apostle of the North
A retreat that explores the key moments from St Paulinus’ life and how these stories of faith and mission still speak to us today.
Quiet Day - Knit to Pray: Interwoven - led by Rachael Sterrett and Rachel-Ann Powers
A day to practise the art of prayer and the art of knitting, and to explore the connection between them.
Julian of Norwich Retreat
An retreat offering the opportunity to spend time with Julian of Norwich; her life, her message and her meaning to you.
Held in God's Gaze: Faith in the North - Returning to the Roots
Father Nicholas Heale will lead this quiet day based on the Northern Saints at and around Lindisfarne and the charism of faith in the face of social confusion and cultural decline.
God’s Garden Retreat
A retreat exploring the richness of God’s creation that promises to be a prayer from beginning to end.
Maranatha Yoga - Quiet day
A quiet day of Maranatha Yoga in which to rest, be renewed and be refreshed in the Lord.
I am the Potter - Quiet day
As well as exploring the gardens at the Abbey, we will make and decorate a clay bird feeder as we focus on God the Creator.
Clergy Retreat
Led by Fr John-Francis this retreat is for members of the clergy to draw on insights from their own hearts and of Jesus.
Step into the Bible
A retreat led by Canon Dr Peter Sills on the theme of the evolving message contained within the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
“I Am.” Who Jesus is and what he has promised
A retreat that promises to fill us with hope and peace by delving deep into the ‘I Am’ sayings of Jesus in John's Gospel.
Working Retreat
Join us for a wonderful time of praying, working and living together in community.
Bereavement Retreat
This gentle weekend retreat is to help people who may be struggling with loss and grief following bereavement of a loved one.
Held in God's Gaze: Paulinus and the Mission to Lancashire
Father Nicholas Heale will lead this quiet day based on St Paulinus and the ancient roots of faith in Lancashire.
Spiritual Photography – Zooming into the scriptures - Quiet Day
A day of exploring the joy of nature by taking photographs and looking at the words that come from slowing down for a while.
‘O all you works of the Lord’ - Retreat
As Creationtide closes with the feast of St Francis, this retreat will explore how God’s sacrificial love is revealed to us in his gifts of Creation: earth, sky, water and living creatures;
Living Peace - the peace which passeth all understanding - Retreat
Putting our faith and trust in God, we can go beyond the ‘ups and downs’ of everyday life to truly know that we are ‘Living Peace’.
‘A Truth Universally Acknowledged’ – Finding Spiritual Riches in Jane Austen - led by the Ven. Dr Rachel Mann
Jane Austen period house party and retreat, what a treat! Ven. Dr Rachel Mann will be leading the retreat which draws on the spiritual aspects of some of Austen’s writing. If you’re a fan of Austen, this immersive experience is not to be missed!
‘Thou Mastering-me God’ - Retreat
In this three day retreat led by Bishop Philip, we will use the medium of poetry to enter into the mystery of God.
A Simple Quiet Day
Time to reconnect with the God who loves you through stillness, reflective prayer, music and praying with scripture.
Held in God's Gaze: Chad and faith between the Midlands and the Ribble
Father Nicholas Heale will lead this quiet day based on St Chad and the faith in his day between the Midlands and the Ribble.
Quiet Day - Paper Angels - led by Hilary Murphy
During this craft day, we will be looking at angels in art and the Bible and making book art by folding angels out of the pages.
Held in God's Gaze: Richard Rolle
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the spiritual life of Richard Rolle
Land as gift - Quiet Day - led by Revd Canon Professor John Rodwell
Even deep in our urban parishes, we depend on the fertility of God’s earth and the skill and devotion of farmers who till the land. What do the Scriptures say about God’s gift of the land and how we should best use it, maintaining the fertility on which we depend and making it a place of welcome for creatures other than ourselves?
New Year in Tallinn hosted by the Community of Taizé
We encourage young adults in Blackburn Diocese to travel to Tallinn over New Year for the big Taize meeting. At the end of January we meet at Whalley Abbey to share experiences.
Carol Singing @ The Abbey
Please register your interest in this event by clicking the link below…
Christmas meals 28 Nov - 17 Dec
Christmas lunches and dinners will be served between 28 November and 17 December. Please contact the office to book!
Held in God's Gaze: Mary Ward
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the Ignatian spirituality of Mary Ward.
Advent Antiphons Quiet Day - led by the Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt Rev. Philip North
Bishop Philip will be leading this Quiet Day which will explore the great Advent ‘O’ Antiphons using words, music, images and guided periods of silence.
Retreat - Advent in the Bible and Art - led by the Bishop of Burnley, Rt Rev. Dr Joe Kennedy and Rev. Anna Walker
Advent in the Bible and Art - residential retreat with the Bishop of Burnley
Quiet Day - Paper Angels - led by Hilary Murphy
At this quiet day, we will be looking at the angels who ministered to Jesus and his family, making book art by folding angels out of the pages.
Christmas meals 28 Nov - 17 Dec
Christmas lunches and dinners will be served between 28 November and 17 December. Please contact the office to book!
Quiet Day - Space to be - led by Ann Jepson
Time to reconnect with God. A day of stillness and reflection.
Held in God's Gaze: Angela of Foligno
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the Franciscan spirituality of Angela of Foligno
Jane Austen Retreat - led by Anna Walker
Jane Austen period house party and retreat, what a treat! We will be drawing on the spiritual aspects of some of Austen’s writing as well as enjoying an immersive experience. If you’re a fan, this is not to be missed!
Jewels of Creation Retreat - led by Sue Martyr
Unearth your own treasures while making simple jewellery and exploring the treasures of nature at Whalley Abbey.
The Vine Community Meeting
The Vine Community is a new dispersed community and spiritual movement in the Diocese of Blackburn. The monthly meetings are open to all.
Quiet Day - Framing the Imagination - led by Rachel-Ann Powers
A workshop encouraging participants to consider the interplay between text, image, and imagination as a way of praying.
Working Retreat
Time to make the Abbey and gardens look great while enjoying good times together praying, eating well and living together as community.
Quiet Day - Knit to Pray - led by Rachael Sterrett and Rachel-Ann Powers
A day to practise the art of prayer and the art of knitting, and to explore the connection between them.
Held in God's Gaze: Teresa of Avila
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the treasures of Teresa of Avila.
Family Day at Whalley Abbey
Families with children are invited to Whalley Abbey for a day of creative prayer, active worship and celebration. Please bring a picnic lunch.
Walking Retreat led by Mark and Gill Ireland
Walking and Prayer - Discovering God’s guidance on life’s journey
Inspired by opportunities to walk each day in our beautiful surroundings, we shall reflect together on Moses’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Quiet Day - Look at the Birds - led by Simon Skidmore
A quiet day with birdwatching and exploring links between birds in the Bible, our own faith as Christians and the birds around us.
Retreat - God’s Garden - led by Hilary Murphy
The bible speaks of creation and gardens from beginning to end. Jesus uses seeds, trees, flowers, fruit, water, sky and birds to help us think of our own lives within God’s creation.
Quiet Day - I am the Potter
As well as exploring the gardens at the Abbey, we will make and decorate a clay bird feeder as we focus on God the Creator.
Held in God's Gaze: Julian of Norwich
Bishop Jill and Father Nicholas Heale host this event with a deep dive into the mysticism of Julian of Norwich.
Supper Club
A three-course meal will be served in the atmospheric Great Hall with our guest speaker Rev’d Michelle Delves sharing stories in her engaging style about the power of vulnerability and authenticity in the hands of God.
Embracing life in all its fullness – a journey beyond ‘us and them’
With insights from the writings of Dave Tomlinson, Richard Rohr, Brian McLaren and Christian scripture, the day will explore the importance of focusing on Jesus as we grow in confidence to embrace our ‘true self’ as followers of Jesus.
Supper Club
We are delighted to welcome the Bishop’s Chaplain, Sam Cheesman, as our guest speaker in April. He will take us through a light-hearted look at why we make certain decisions and what forces are in play as we do so.
Clergy Study Day
A tranquil setting for individuals seeking a day away from their parish for reading, studying, or sermon preparation.
Quiet Day: Sacred Chanting Music Retreat
Join us at Whalley Abbey for a day of profound peace and self-reflection through the transformative power of Sacred Chanting Music. Immerse yourself in the age-old traditions of Gregorian chant.