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Quiet Day - Paper Angels - led by Hilary Murphy

  • Whalley Abbey The Sands Clitheroe, England, BB7 United Kingdom (map)

Paper Angels

Folding paper and creativity is known to reduce stress, increase concentration and promote feelings of wellbeing, so using paper and old books this will be an opportunity to make paper angels in time for Christmas. We will also look at angels in art and the Bible and reflect on our lives looking for the presence of God and His angels in the ordinariness of our lives.

Reverend Hilary Murphy is a spiritual director who loves to craft with paper and values the way creativity blesses and heals our lives. Books are a passion and rather than throw them away likes to make beautiful angels at Christmas to give away and bless others.

Book the date in your calendar, and click the button below to book your place! The cost for this event is £36.

21 November

Held in God's Gaze: Chad and faith between the Midlands and the Ribble