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‘O all you works of the Lord’ - Retreat

‘O all you works of the Lord’

As Creationtide closes with the feast of St Francis, this retreat will explore how God’s sacrificial love is revealed to us in his gifts of Creation: earth, sky, water and living creatures; consider how best we can celebrate God’s generosity in worship and prayer; our need to lament for the neglect and damage which Creation is suffering; how best we might care for Creation in our own lives, as congregations, as a Church and in the wider world.   

The retreat is led by Revd Canon Professor John Rodwell, who has a been priest and ecologist together for over 40 years, exploring the fabric of the natural world. Through teaching and research he has imparted skills and enthusiasm to hundreds of young scientists and helps protect wildlife and habitats across Europe. In preaching, writing and retreats he explores the richness and challenge of God’s generosity in Creation.

Book the date in your calendar, and click the button below to book your place!

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