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Holy Week and Easter Services

During Holy Week and Easter our daily prayer pattern continues as usual, but as the events of the passion of Christ intensify, as we wait in the desolation of Holy Saturday and as Easter morning dawns with the glorious joy of the resurrection, we offer these special services:

17th April - Maundy Thursday:
5.30 pm Eucharist of the Last Supper, Washing of the Feet and Stripping of the Altar

18th April - Good Friday:
5.30 pm Tenebrae (extinguishing of the lights) and Prayer Around the Cross with songs from Taizé. You may want to bring a little torch to see better as the lights go out.

19th April - Holy Saturday:
8.30 pm Watch in the Garden
Please bring a camping chair, a blanket and a candle lantern or a torch if you can. If it rains, the Watch will be moved inside.

20th April - Easter Day:
5.45 am Sunrise Eucharist outdoors in the ruins of the old Abbey church
We start with a fire outside the chapel and process to the altar. There are stones on the ground marking the old walls that you will need to step over, and wheelchairs, walkers or push chairs can pulled over them or taken a longer way around on the lawn. Please come prepared for the cold and the wet grass. You may want to bring a camping chair. If it rains, the service will be moved indoors. After the service, everyone is invited for breakfast indoors. There will be hot drinks, toast and croissants. Please let us know if you are coming and also any food intolerances by clicking the button below so that we know approximate numbers.

All the services are free to attend but donations are welcome for the Easter morning breakfast.

16 April

Breath of Contemplation

24 April

Like a Tree - Quiet day