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Like a Tree - Quiet day

The theme of the day has changed from ‘Living in the Light of the Resurrection’ which was advertised in our programme booklet to ‘Like a Tree’:

Trees have much to say to us about how to live our lives in the light of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The day will include input, visual images, times for quiet meditation and prayer, as well as some ‘live’ piano music. There will also be the opportunity to share the fruits of the day by verbalising our insights as this can serve to underline them in our lives.

Kath Dodd is a trained pianist and will be delighting participants with her playing

Rev Andrew and Rev Kath Dodd are retired bi-vocational Baptist ministers, who spent 30 years at Hawkshead Hill Chapel in the heart of the Lake District. During this time, Andrew worked as a Crown Prosecution lawyer and Kath as a piano teacher. The chapel and grounds were renovated to create an ‘oasis’, where visitors could explore garden and chapel, or retreat in the Upper Room. Andrew & Kath seek to journey with others into a deeper and experiential walk with God.

Book the date in your calendar, and click the button below to book your place!

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